Situation normale

Région wallonne

5100 Namur
Since 08/08/1980

Région wallonne’s business network visualized

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Spiderweb Région wallonne
Région wallonne
    6001 Marcinelle

Recent news articles about Région wallonne

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


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Frequently asked questions about Région wallonne

  • What is Région wallonne’s official website?

    Région wallonne’s official website is
  • Where is Région wallonne located?

    Région wallonne’s headquarters is located in Rue Mazy 25-27 , 5100 Namur.
  • What are the primary activities of Région wallonne?

    Région wallonne’s primary activities include: wallonie, démarches administratives.
  • Who are the directors of Région wallonne?

    Région wallonne’s directors include
  • When was Région wallonne founded?

    Région wallonne was founded in 1980-08-08. Région wallonne has been active for 45 years.
  • What are Région wallonne’s NACEBEL codes?

    Région wallonne’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 84112 Administration publique communautaire et régionale (2008)
    • 75112 Administration communautaire et régionale (2003)
  • What is Région wallonne’s VAT number?

    Région wallonne’s VAT number is BE0220800506.
  • What is Région wallonne’s juridical form?

    Région wallonne’s juridical type is Autorité de la Région wallonne (RW).