Dissolution volontaire – liquidation

Automobiles Industriels Saurer

1070 Anderlecht
Since 01/01/1955

Recent news articles about Automobiles Industriels Saurer

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Frequently asked questions about Automobiles Industriels Saurer

  • Where is Automobiles Industriels Saurer located?

    Automobiles Industriels Saurer’s headquarters is located in Chaussée de Mons 1151 , 1070 Anderlecht.
  • When was Automobiles Industriels Saurer founded?

    Automobiles Industriels Saurer was founded in 1955-01-01. Automobiles Industriels Saurer has been active for 70 years.
  • What is Automobiles Industriels Saurer’s VAT number?

    Automobiles Industriels Saurer’s VAT number is BE0402653829.
  • What is Automobiles Industriels Saurer’s juridical form?

    Automobiles Industriels Saurer’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).