Dissolution volontaire – liquidation

The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.

2000 Antwerpen
Since 07/01/1938

Frequently asked questions about The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.

  • Where is The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A. located?

    The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.’s headquarters is located in Grote Kauwenberg 31 , 2000 Antwerpen.
  • When was The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A. founded?

    The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A. was founded in 1938-01-07. The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A. has been active for 87 years.
  • What is The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.’s VAT number?

    The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.’s VAT number is BE0405989936.
  • What is The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.’s juridical form?

    The Antwerp Schip Stores Co LTD. S.A.’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).