Situation normale

Monitoren Bouwen

8531 Harelbeke
Since 02/02/1970

Monitoren Bouwen’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Monitoren Bouwen’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Monitoren Bouwen
Monitoren Bouwen
  • Patrick CLARYSSE
    8500 Kortrijk
  • Dino Blancke
    8531 Harelbeke
  • Lionel Marnette
    8500 Kortrijk

Frequently asked questions about Monitoren Bouwen

  • Where is Monitoren Bouwen located?

    Monitoren Bouwen’s headquarters is located in Florimond Brysstraat 9 , 8531 Harelbeke.
  • Who are the directors of Monitoren Bouwen?

    Monitoren Bouwen’s directors include
    • Patrick CLARYSSE
    • Dino Blancke
    • Lionel Marnette
  • When was Monitoren Bouwen founded?

    Monitoren Bouwen was founded in 1970-02-02. Monitoren Bouwen has been active for 55 years.
  • What are Monitoren Bouwen’s NACEBEL codes?

    Monitoren Bouwen’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 47252 Commerce de détail de boissons en magasin spécialisé, assortiment général (2008)
    • 52250 Commerce de détail de boissons (2003)
  • What is Monitoren Bouwen’s VAT number?

    Monitoren Bouwen’s VAT number is BE0407576479.
  • What is Monitoren Bouwen’s juridical form?

    Monitoren Bouwen’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).