Situation normale

Consulting Wij Helpen

8790 Waregem
Since 30/06/1972

Consulting Wij Helpen’s business network visualized

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Spiderweb Consulting Wij Helpen
Consulting Wij Helpen
  • Françoise AMEZ
    9870 Zulte
  • Jose Dewaele
    8790 Waregem
    8790 Waregem
  • Chantal Callens
    8573 Tiegem
  • Evelyne DESMET
    8790 Waregem

Frequently asked questions about Consulting Wij Helpen

  • What is Consulting Wij Helpen’s official website?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s official website is
  • Where is Consulting Wij Helpen located?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s headquarters is located in Pand 349B , 8790 Waregem.
  • Who are the directors of Consulting Wij Helpen?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s directors include
    • Françoise AMEZ
    • Jose Dewaele
    • Peter VAN LUCHENE
    • Chantal Callens
    • Evelyne DESMET
  • When was Consulting Wij Helpen founded?

    Consulting Wij Helpen was founded in 1972-06-30. Consulting Wij Helpen has been active for 53 years.
  • What are Consulting Wij Helpen’s NACEBEL codes?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 82100 Activités de service de bureau et de soutien administratif (2025)
    • 74121 Comptables (2003)
    • 82110 Services administratifs combinés de bureau (2008)
    • 70220 Conseil pour les affaires et autres conseils de gestion (2008)
    • 68203 Location et exploitation de biens immobiliers non résidentiels propres ou loués, sauf terrains (2008)
  • What is Consulting Wij Helpen’s VAT number?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s VAT number is BE0412531595.
  • What is Consulting Wij Helpen’s juridical form?

    Consulting Wij Helpen’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).