Situation normale

Ballet Najade

3511 Hasselt
Since 01/06/1988

Ballet Najade’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Ballet Najade’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Ballet Najade
Ballet Najade
  • ingrid Delee
    3511 Hasselt
  • Ingrid Lavreysen
    3500 Hasselt
  • Lieve Picard
    3500 Hasselt

Frequently asked questions about Ballet Najade

  • What is Ballet Najade’s official website?

    Ballet Najade’s official website is
  • Where is Ballet Najade located?

    Ballet Najade’s headquarters is located in Dorpsbeekstraat 4 , 3511 Hasselt.
  • Who are the directors of Ballet Najade?

    Ballet Najade’s directors include
    • ingrid Delee
    • Ingrid Lavreysen
    • Lieve Picard
  • When was Ballet Najade founded?

    Ballet Najade was founded in 1988-06-01. Ballet Najade has been active for 37 years.
  • What are Ballet Najade’s NACEBEL codes?

    Ballet Najade’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 85520 Enseignement culturel (2008)
    • 92340 Autres activités de spectacle et d'amusement n.d.a. (2003)
  • What is Ballet Najade’s VAT number?

    Ballet Najade’s VAT number is BE0435693712.
  • What is Ballet Najade’s juridical form?

    Ballet Najade’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).