Situation normale

"vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""

8510 Kortrijk
Since 03/04/2000

"vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""
"vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""
  • Kurt DEVOS
    8500 Kortrijk
  • John WINDELS
    8780 Oostrozebeke
  • Filip Devos
    8560 Wevelgem
  • Francky Bruneel
    8830 Hooglede
  • Gregory Goudeseune
    8770 Ingelmunster

Frequently asked questions about "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""

  • What is "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s official website?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""?

    You can contact "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark""" at the email address
  • Where is "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark""" located?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s headquarters is located in Bruyningstraat 56 A, 8510 Kortrijk.
  • Who are the directors of "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s directors include
    • Kurt DEVOS
    • John WINDELS
    • Filip Devos
    • Francky Bruneel
    • Gregory Goudeseune
  • When was "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark""" founded?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark""" was founded in 2000-04-03. "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark""" has been active for 25 years.
  • What are "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s NACEBEL codes?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 80104 Enseignement fondamental libre subventionné (2003)
    • 85204 Enseignement primaire ordinaire libre subventionné (2025)
    • 85204 Enseignement primaire ordinaire libre subventionné (2008)
  • What is "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s VAT number?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s VAT number is BE0472950719.
  • What is "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s juridical form?

    "vzw Inrichting ""de Ark"""’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).