Situation normale


5705 BE Helmond
Since 20/04/2001

Frequently asked questions about ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV

  • Where is ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV located?

    ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV’s headquarters is located in Kanaaldijk Zuid-Oost 98 , 5705 BE Helmond.
  • When was ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV founded?

    ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV was founded in 2001-04-20. ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV has been active for 24 years.
  • What is ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV’s VAT number?

    ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV’s VAT number is BE0474528453.
  • What is ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV’s juridical form?

    ELECTRO JOS VOGELS BV’s juridical type is Entité étrangère sans établissement belge avec représentant responsable TVA (EESEBTVA).