Dissolution judiciaire ou nullité


4845 Jalhay
Since 20/06/2001

Frequently asked questions about LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE

  • What is LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s official website?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s official website is https://www.gileppe.com/fr.
  • Where is LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE located?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s headquarters is located in Route de la Gileppe 59 , 4845 Jalhay.
  • What are the primary activities of LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s primary activities include: site, activités.
  • When was LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE founded?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE was founded in 2001-06-20. LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE has been active for 24 years.
  • What is LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s VAT number?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s VAT number is BE0475249718.
  • What is LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s juridical form?

    LE CAMPING DE LA GILEPPE’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).