Situation normale

RRM Holding B.V.

6631 BE Horssen
Since 10/10/2002

Frequently asked questions about RRM Holding B.V.

  • Where is RRM Holding B.V. located?

    RRM Holding B.V.’s headquarters is located in Roedensestraat 3 , 6631 BE Horssen.
  • When was RRM Holding B.V. founded?

    RRM Holding B.V. was founded in 2002-10-10. RRM Holding B.V. has been active for 22 years.
  • What is RRM Holding B.V.’s VAT number?

    RRM Holding B.V.’s VAT number is BE0505828769.
  • What is RRM Holding B.V.’s juridical form?

    RRM Holding B.V.’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).