Gentse Warmte Centrale
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Joanne Fiskerson
Egan ArcherGL6 0JBSince 2023
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2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
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De Cronos Groep SA2550 KontichSince 1999
Deloitte Consulting & Advisory SRL1930 ZaventemSince 2001
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VOKA - Kamer van Koophandel Antwerpen - Waasland vzw ASBL2000 AntwerpenSince 1969
Deloitte Belastingconsulenten/Conseils Fiscaux SRL1930 ZaventemSince 1978
Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen SA1000 BruxellesSince 1995
VOKA - Kamer van Koophandel West-Vlaanderen ASBL8500 KortrijkSince 1986
Recent news articles about Gentse Warmte Centrale
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Frequently asked questions about Gentse Warmte Centrale
Where is Gentse Warmte Centrale located?
Gentse Warmte Centrale’s headquarters is located in Bedrijvenlaan 1 , 2800 Mechelen. -
Who are the directors of Gentse Warmte Centrale?
Gentse Warmte Centrale’s directors include- Joanne Fiskerson
- Egan Archer
When was Gentse Warmte Centrale founded?
Gentse Warmte Centrale was founded in 2013-07-23. Gentse Warmte Centrale has been active for 12 years. -
What are Gentse Warmte Centrale’s NACEBEL codes?
Gentse Warmte Centrale’s NACEBEL codes are- 35110 Production d'électricité (2008)
- 35140 Commerce d'électricité (2008)
- 35210 Production de combustibles gazeux (2008)
- 35220 Distribution de combustibles gazeux par conduites (2008)
- 35230 Commerce de combustibles gazeux par conduites (2008)
What is Gentse Warmte Centrale’s VAT number?
Gentse Warmte Centrale’s VAT number is BE0536885793. -
What is Gentse Warmte Centrale’s juridical form?
Gentse Warmte Centrale’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA). -
How is the financial situation of Gentse Warmte Centrale?
openthebox has estimated that Gentse Warmte Centrale’s financial health score to be 6/10.