Situation normale


8620 Nieuwpoort
Since 30/10/2013

Frequently asked questions about DE WATERKANT

  • What is DE WATERKANT’s official website?

    DE WATERKANT’s official website is
  • Where is DE WATERKANT located?

    DE WATERKANT’s headquarters is located in Pieter Deswartelaan 33A 0003, 8620 Nieuwpoort.
  • What are the primary activities of DE WATERKANT?

    DE WATERKANT’s primary activities include: kinésithérapie, réadaptation, groupe de pratique.
  • When was DE WATERKANT founded?

    DE WATERKANT was founded in 2013-10-30. DE WATERKANT has been active for 11 years.
  • What are DE WATERKANT’s NACEBEL codes?

    DE WATERKANT’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 86905 Activités de revalidation ambulatoire (2008)
  • What is DE WATERKANT’s VAT number?

    DE WATERKANT’s VAT number is BE0541538429.
  • What is DE WATERKANT’s juridical form?

    DE WATERKANT’s juridical type is Société en nom collectif (SNC).