Situation normale

ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.

6956 AV Spankeren
Since 24/10/2007

ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.
ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.
  • Hanna Munnik-Partyka

Frequently asked questions about ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.

  • What is ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s official website?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s official website is
  • Where is ELITechGroup Benelux B.V. located?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s headquarters is located in Van Rensselaerweg 4 , 6956 AV Spankeren.
  • Who are the directors of ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s directors include
    • Hanna Munnik-Partyka
  • When was ELITechGroup Benelux B.V. founded?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V. was founded in 2007-10-24. ELITechGroup Benelux B.V. has been active for 17 years.
  • What are ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s NACEBEL codes?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 47741 Commerce de détail d'articles médicaux et orthopédiques, à l'exception de lunettes de correction, de lentilles et de lunettes de soleil (2025)
    • 47740 Commerce de détail d'articles médicaux et orthopédiques en magasin spécialisé (2008)
    • 46460 Commerce de gros de produits pharmaceutiques (2008)
  • What is ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s VAT number?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s VAT number is BE0542484475.
  • What is ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s juridical form?

    ELITechGroup Benelux B.V.’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).