Situation normale


1030 Schaerbeek
Since 23/04/2014

Frequently asked questions about CINEMA BELGE

  • What is CINEMA BELGE’s official website?

    CINEMA BELGE’s official website is
  • Where is CINEMA BELGE located?

    CINEMA BELGE’s headquarters is located in Rue Vonck 109 , 1030 Schaerbeek.
  • What are the primary activities of CINEMA BELGE?

    CINEMA BELGE’s primary activities include: événement culturel.
  • When was CINEMA BELGE founded?

    CINEMA BELGE was founded in 2014-04-23. CINEMA BELGE has been active for 11 years.
  • What are CINEMA BELGE’s NACEBEL codes?

    CINEMA BELGE’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 18130 Activités de prépresse (2008)
    • 58190 Autres activités d'édition (2008)
    • 59111 Production de films cinématographiques (2008)
    • 59112 Production de films pour la télévision (2008)
    • 59113 Production de films autres que cinématographiques et pour la télévision (2008)
    • 59114 Production de programmes pour la télévision (2008)
  • What is CINEMA BELGE’s VAT number?

    CINEMA BELGE’s VAT number is BE0550817072.
  • What is CINEMA BELGE’s juridical form?

    CINEMA BELGE’s juridical type is Société en commandite simple (SCS).