Situation normale

Pfleiderer Benelux BV

5232BC 's-Hertogenbosch
Since 22/06/2015

Frequently asked questions about Pfleiderer Benelux BV

  • What is Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s official website?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s official website is
  • Where is Pfleiderer Benelux BV located?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s headquarters is located in Europalaan 30 , 5232BC 's-Hertogenbosch.
  • What are the primary activities of Pfleiderer Benelux BV?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s primary activities include: matériaux à base de bois, écologique.
  • When was Pfleiderer Benelux BV founded?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV was founded in 2015-06-22. Pfleiderer Benelux BV has been active for 10 years.
  • What are Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s NACEBEL codes?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 46130 Activités d’intermédiaire du commerce de gros en bois et matériaux de construction (2025)
    • 46130 Intermédiaires du commerce en bois et matériaux de construction (2008)
  • What is Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s VAT number?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s VAT number is BE0632743074.
  • What is Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s juridical form?

    Pfleiderer Benelux BV’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).