Situation normale


1170 Watermael-Boitsfort
Since 28/10/2015

Frequently asked questions about S.M. AMART-GILLION

  • What is the email adress of S.M. AMART-GILLION?

    You can contact S.M. AMART-GILLION at the email address AN@AMART.BE.
  • Where is S.M. AMART-GILLION located?

    S.M. AMART-GILLION’s headquarters is located in Chaussée de La Hulpe 166 , 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort.
  • When was S.M. AMART-GILLION founded?

    S.M. AMART-GILLION was founded in 2015-10-28. S.M. AMART-GILLION has been active for 9 years.
  • What are S.M. AMART-GILLION’s NACEBEL codes?

    S.M. AMART-GILLION’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43999 Autres activités de construction spécialisées (2008)
  • What is S.M. AMART-GILLION’s VAT number?

    S.M. AMART-GILLION’s VAT number is BE0643825721.
  • What is S.M. AMART-GILLION’s juridical form?

    S.M. AMART-GILLION’s juridical type is Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (SASPJ).