Situation normale

OKU Leisure Group

2030 Antwerpen
Since 07/03/2016
Gross Operating Margin
-214% YoY
-106% YoY
-301% YoY

OKU Leisure Group’s business network visualized

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Spiderweb OKU Leisure Group
OKU Leisure Group
  • Hubrecht COK
    4462 LS
    Since 2016

Detailed insights into OKU Leisure Group’s financial history

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Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Gross Operating Margin

Recent news articles about OKU Leisure Group

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


Ondernemer Marc Coucke: ‘Politici vragen me soms om advies. Maar of ze luisteren, weet ik niet’

De Tijd

Coucke opent volgend jaar derde OKU-hotel

De Tijd

Marc Coucke: ‘Dit is de meest onvoorspelbare omgeving die ik al meegemaakt heb’

De Tijd

Frequently asked questions about OKU Leisure Group

  • What is OKU Leisure Group’s official website?

    OKU Leisure Group’s official website is
  • Where is OKU Leisure Group located?

    OKU Leisure Group’s headquarters is located in Noorderlaan 139 , 2030 Antwerpen.
  • Who are the directors of OKU Leisure Group?

    OKU Leisure Group’s directors include
    • Hubrecht COK
  • When was OKU Leisure Group founded?

    OKU Leisure Group was founded in 2016-03-07. OKU Leisure Group has been active for 9 years.
  • What is OKU Leisure Group’s VAT number?

    OKU Leisure Group’s VAT number is BE0649669970.
  • What is OKU Leisure Group’s juridical form?

    OKU Leisure Group’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).