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1070 Anderlecht
Since 12/01/2018

Frequently asked questions about SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416

  • What is SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s official website?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416?

    You can contact SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416 at the email address
  • Where is SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416 located?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s headquarters is located in Rue Henri-Joseph Genesse 30 , 1070 Anderlecht.
  • When was SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416 founded?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416 was founded in 2018-01-12. SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416 has been active for 7 years.
  • What are SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s NACEBEL codes?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43211 Travaux d'installation électrotechnique de bâtiment (2008)
    • 43222 Installation de chauffage, de ventilation et de conditionnement d'air (2008)
    • 43999 Autres activités de construction spécialisées (2008)
  • What is SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s VAT number?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s VAT number is BE0688871333.
  • What is SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s juridical form?

    SM PUTMAN-SPIE CSC 1416’s juridical type is Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (SASPJ).