Situation normale

taco agro bv

5964 aj meterik
Since 01/01/2020

Frequently asked questions about taco agro bv

  • What is taco agro bv’s official website?

    taco agro bv’s official website is
  • Where is taco agro bv located?

    taco agro bv’s headquarters is located in donkstraat 6a , 5964 aj meterik.
  • What are the primary activities of taco agro bv?

    taco agro bv’s primary activities include: culture, secteur agricole.
  • When was taco agro bv founded?

    taco agro bv was founded in 2020-01-01. taco agro bv has been active for 5 years.
  • What are taco agro bv’s NACEBEL codes?

    taco agro bv’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 46216 Commerce de gros d'aliments pour le bétail et de produits agricoles, assortiment général (2008)
    • 01110 Culture de céréales (à l'exception du riz), de légumineuses et de graines oléagineuses (2008)
    • 01130 Culture de légumes, de melons, de racines et de tubercules (2008)
  • What is taco agro bv’s VAT number?

    taco agro bv’s VAT number is BE0740881149.
  • What is taco agro bv’s juridical form?

    taco agro bv’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).