Situation normale

PVDA Eurodelegatie AV

1000 Bruxelles
Since 01/12/2019

Recent news articles about PVDA Eurodelegatie AV

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


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Frequently asked questions about PVDA Eurodelegatie AV

  • Where is PVDA Eurodelegatie AV located?

    PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s headquarters is located in Rue Wiertz 60 , 1000 Bruxelles.
  • When was PVDA Eurodelegatie AV founded?

    PVDA Eurodelegatie AV was founded in 2019-12-01. PVDA Eurodelegatie AV has been active for 5 years.
  • What are PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s NACEBEL codes?

    PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 94920 Activités des organisations politiques (2025)
    • 94920 Activités des organisations politiques (2008)
  • What is PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s VAT number?

    PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s VAT number is BE0742605571.
  • What is PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s juridical form?

    PVDA Eurodelegatie AV’s juridical type is Autre forme légale (AFJ).