Situation normale

AEDEC Hyon Football

7032 Mons
Since 05/05/2020

AEDEC Hyon Football’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate AEDEC Hyon Football’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb AEDEC Hyon Football
AEDEC Hyon Football
  • Valéry Mullenmeyer
    7000 Mons
  • Naïm Shita
    7033 Cuesmes
  • Enguerran CHABART
    7032 Spiennes
  • Anne-Louise Jacquemin

Frequently asked questions about AEDEC Hyon Football

  • Where is AEDEC Hyon Football located?

    AEDEC Hyon Football’s headquarters is located in Rue des Prisonniers 14A , 7032 Mons.
  • Who are the directors of AEDEC Hyon Football?

    AEDEC Hyon Football’s directors include
    • Valéry Mullenmeyer
    • Naïm Shita
    • Enguerran CHABART
    • Anne-Louise Jacquemin
  • When was AEDEC Hyon Football founded?

    AEDEC Hyon Football was founded in 2020-05-05. AEDEC Hyon Football has been active for 5 years.
  • What are AEDEC Hyon Football’s NACEBEL codes?

    AEDEC Hyon Football’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 93121 Activités de clubs de football (2008)
    • 56102 Restauration à service restreint (2008)
    • 68203 Location et exploitation de biens immobiliers non résidentiels propres ou loués, sauf terrains (2008)
    • 68204 Location et exploitation de terrains (2008)
    • 93110 Gestion d'installations sportives (2008)
  • What is AEDEC Hyon Football’s VAT number?

    AEDEC Hyon Football’s VAT number is BE0746681947.
  • What is AEDEC Hyon Football’s juridical form?

    AEDEC Hyon Football’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).