Situation normale

Regio Zuid-West Limburg

3840 Borgloon
Since 15/10/2020

Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Regio Zuid-West Limburg
Regio Zuid-West Limburg
  • Bart Neven
    3800 Sint-Truiden
  • Benny Bervoets
    3560 Lummen
  • Rudi Wouters
    3840 Tongeren-Borgloon
  • Theo Zoons
    3500 Hasselt
  • Danny Jeuris
    3570 Alken

Recent news articles about Regio Zuid-West Limburg

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


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Frequently asked questions about Regio Zuid-West Limburg

  • What is Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s official website?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Regio Zuid-West Limburg?

    You can contact Regio Zuid-West Limburg at the email address
  • Where is Regio Zuid-West Limburg located?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s headquarters is located in Tongersesteenweg 31B 4, 3840 Borgloon.
  • What are the primary activities of Regio Zuid-West Limburg?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s primary activities include: enseignement, écoles.
  • Who are the directors of Regio Zuid-West Limburg?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s directors include
    • Bart Neven
    • Benny Bervoets
    • Rudi Wouters
    • Theo Zoons
    • Danny Jeuris
  • When was Regio Zuid-West Limburg founded?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg was founded in 2020-10-15. Regio Zuid-West Limburg has been active for 4 years.
  • What are Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s NACEBEL codes?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 93121 Activités de clubs de football (2008)
    • 73120 Régie publicitaire de médias (2008)
  • What is Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s VAT number?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s VAT number is BE0756646817.
  • What is Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s juridical form?

    Regio Zuid-West Limburg’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).