Situation normale


4102 Seraing
Since 29/10/2020

Frequently asked questions about NTS SERVICES

  • What is NTS SERVICES’s official website?

    NTS SERVICES’s official website is
  • Where is NTS SERVICES located?

    NTS SERVICES’s headquarters is located in Rue Fr. Roosevelt 204 , 4102 Seraing.
  • What are the primary activities of NTS SERVICES?

    NTS SERVICES’s primary activities include: plateforme radio, musique.
  • When was NTS SERVICES founded?

    NTS SERVICES was founded in 2020-10-29. NTS SERVICES has been active for 4 years.
  • What are NTS SERVICES’s NACEBEL codes?

    NTS SERVICES’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 82110 Services administratifs combinés de bureau (2008)
    • 82190 Photocopie, préparation de documents et autres activités spécialisées de soutien de bureau (2008)
  • What is NTS SERVICES’s VAT number?

    NTS SERVICES’s VAT number is BE0757599593.
  • What is NTS SERVICES’s juridical form?

    NTS SERVICES’s juridical type is Société en commandite (SComm).