Situation normale

Ferdinand Ensemble

2400 Mol
Since 19/11/2020

Ferdinand Ensemble’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Ferdinand Ensemble’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Ferdinand Ensemble
Ferdinand Ensemble
  • Naomi Behaeghel
    8700 Tielt
  • Eline Van den Broeck
    9000 Gent
  • Aaron Van de Winckel
    9000 Gent
  • Margot Vermaut
    9000 Gent
  • Emma de Bakker
    2400 Mol

Frequently asked questions about Ferdinand Ensemble

  • What is Ferdinand Ensemble’s official website?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Ferdinand Ensemble?

    You can contact Ferdinand Ensemble at the email address
  • Where is Ferdinand Ensemble located?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s headquarters is located in O. L. Vrouwstraat 38 , 2400 Mol.
  • What are the primary activities of Ferdinand Ensemble?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s primary activities include: ensemble de musique classique, clarinettes.
  • Who are the directors of Ferdinand Ensemble?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s directors include
    • Naomi Behaeghel
    • Eline Van den Broeck
    • Aaron Van de Winckel
    • Margot Vermaut
    • Emma de Bakker
  • When was Ferdinand Ensemble founded?

    Ferdinand Ensemble was founded in 2020-11-19. Ferdinand Ensemble has been active for 4 years.
  • What is Ferdinand Ensemble’s VAT number?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s VAT number is BE0758596814.
  • What is Ferdinand Ensemble’s juridical form?

    Ferdinand Ensemble’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).