Situation normale

MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB

8020 Oostkamp
Since 26/02/2021

Frequently asked questions about MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB

  • What is MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s official website?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s official website is
  • Where is MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB located?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s headquarters is located in Molenstraat 126 , 8020 Oostkamp.
  • What are the primary activities of MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s primary activities include: installations de récupération d'eau de pluie, traitements des eaux usées.
  • When was MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB founded?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB was founded in 2021-02-26. MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB has been active for 4 years.
  • What are MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s NACEBEL codes?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 42219 Construction de réseaux pour fluides n.c.a. (2008)
    • 42919 Construction d'ouvrages maritimes et fluviaux, sauf travaux de dragage (2008)
    • 43120 Travaux de préparation des sites (2008)
    • 43130 Forages d'essai et sondages (2008)
    • 71209 Autres activités de contrôle et analyses techniques (2008)
  • What is MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s VAT number?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s VAT number is BE0765248044.
  • What is MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s juridical form?

    MS Regenwaterinstallaties WDB’s juridical type is Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (SASPJ).