Situation normale

William Berteloot

8800 Roeselare
Since 16/10/2021

William Berteloot’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate William Berteloot’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb William Berteloot
William Berteloot
  • William Berteloot

Frequently asked questions about William Berteloot

  • Where is William Berteloot located?

    William Berteloot’s headquarters is located in Ter Reigerie 2 , 8800 Roeselare.
  • Who are the directors of William Berteloot?

    William Berteloot’s directors include
    • William Berteloot
  • When was William Berteloot founded?

    William Berteloot was founded in 2021-10-16. William Berteloot has been active for 3 years.
  • What are William Berteloot’s NACEBEL codes?

    William Berteloot’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43110 Travaux de démolition (2008)
    • 16100 Sciage et rabotage du bois (2008)
    • 31091 Fabrication de salles à manger, de salons, de chambres à coucher et de salles de bain (2008)
    • 43320 Travaux de menuiserie (2008)
    • 43994 Travaux de maçonnerie et de rejointoiement (2008)
    • 43999 Autres activités de construction spécialisées (2008)
  • What is William Berteloot’s VAT number?

    William Berteloot’s VAT number is BE0775825695.
  • What is William Berteloot’s juridical form?

    William Berteloot’s juridical type is Société en commandite (SComm).