Situation normale

Roelandt, Tinny

9500 Geraardsbergen
Since 01/10/2021

Frequently asked questions about Roelandt, Tinny

  • What is the email adress of Roelandt, Tinny?

    You can contact Roelandt, Tinny at the email address
  • Where is Roelandt, Tinny located?

    Roelandt, Tinny’s headquarters is located in Meirbroekstraat 8 , 9500 Geraardsbergen.
  • When was Roelandt, Tinny founded?

    Roelandt, Tinny was founded in 2021-10-01. Roelandt, Tinny has been active for 3 years.
  • What are Roelandt, Tinny’s NACEBEL codes?

    Roelandt, Tinny’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 68203 Location et exploitation de biens immobiliers non résidentiels propres ou loués, sauf terrains (2008)
  • What is Roelandt, Tinny’s VAT number?

    Roelandt, Tinny’s VAT number is BE0775843513.