Situation normale

RedoxForte Health Care

2000 Antwerpen
Since 13/04/2022
-245% YoY
Gross Operating Margin
+34% YoY
+35% YoY
-6% YoY

Detailed insights into RedoxForte Health Care’s financial history

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Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
2023 2022
Gross Operating Margin

Frequently asked questions about RedoxForte Health Care

  • What is RedoxForte Health Care’s official website?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of RedoxForte Health Care?

    You can contact RedoxForte Health Care at the email address
  • Where is RedoxForte Health Care located?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s headquarters is located in Kipdorpvest 40-42 , 2000 Antwerpen.
  • What are the primary activities of RedoxForte Health Care?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s primary activities include: redoxforte, réduction.
  • When was RedoxForte Health Care founded?

    RedoxForte Health Care was founded in 2022-04-13. RedoxForte Health Care has been active for 3 years.
  • What are RedoxForte Health Care’s NACEBEL codes?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 71209 Autres activités de contrôle et analyses techniques (2008)
    • 46150 Intermédiaires du commerce en meubles, articles de ménage et quincaillerie (2008)
    • 46170 Intermédiaires du commerce en denrées, boissons et tabac (2008)
    • 72110 Recherche-développement en biotechnologie (2008)
    • 72190 Recherche-développement en autres sciences physiques et naturelles (2008)
  • What is RedoxForte Health Care’s VAT number?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s VAT number is BE0784811459.
  • What is RedoxForte Health Care’s juridical form?

    RedoxForte Health Care’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).