Situation normale


9250 Waasmunster
Since 30/04/2022

Make.Things.Move.’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Make.Things.Move.’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Make.Things.Move.
  • Elke De Maeyer
    9250 Waasmunster

Frequently asked questions about Make.Things.Move.

  • Where is Make.Things.Move. located?

    Make.Things.Move.’s headquarters is located in Oudeheerweg-Heide 98 , 9250 Waasmunster.
  • Who are the directors of Make.Things.Move.?

    Make.Things.Move.’s directors include
    • Elke De Maeyer
  • When was Make.Things.Move. founded?

    Make.Things.Move. was founded in 2022-04-30. Make.Things.Move. has been active for 3 years.
  • What are Make.Things.Move.’s NACEBEL codes?

    Make.Things.Move.’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 73110 Activités des agences de publicité (2008)
    • 59113 Production de films autres que cinématographiques et pour la télévision (2008)
    • 59209 Autres services d'enregistrements sonores (2008)
    • 70210 Conseil en relations publiques et en communication (2008)
    • 82300 Organisation de salons professionnels et de congrès (2008)
    • 85599 Autres formes d'enseignement (2008)
  • What is Make.Things.Move.’s VAT number?

    Make.Things.Move.’s VAT number is BE0785585380.
  • What is Make.Things.Move.’s juridical form?

    Make.Things.Move.’s juridical type is Société en commandite (SComm).