Situation normale

Miles Ahead Studio

9000 Gent
Since 30/08/2022
Financial Health Indicator
+420% YoY
Gross Operating Margin
+364% YoY
+346% YoY
+145% YoY

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Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
2023 2022
Gross Operating Margin

Recent news articles about Miles Ahead Studio

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


Vers geld voor AI-investeerder Miles Ahead

De Tijd

Medische AI-assistent haalt 1 miljoen euro op

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Gentse Miles Ahead haalt 20 miljoen op voor starters in AI en deep tech

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Frequently asked questions about Miles Ahead Studio

  • What is Miles Ahead Studio’s official website?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s official website is
  • Where is Miles Ahead Studio located?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s headquarters is located in Sint-Jansvest 18 1, 9000 Gent.
  • What are the primary activities of Miles Ahead Studio?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s primary activities include: studio de ventures, deep tech.
  • When was Miles Ahead Studio founded?

    Miles Ahead Studio was founded in 2022-08-30. Miles Ahead Studio has been active for 3 years.
  • What are Miles Ahead Studio’s NACEBEL codes?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 66199 Autres activités auxiliaires de services financiers n.c.a., hors assurance et caisses de retraite (2008)
  • What is Miles Ahead Studio’s VAT number?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s VAT number is BE0790225247.
  • What is Miles Ahead Studio’s juridical form?

    Miles Ahead Studio’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).
  • How is the financial situation of Miles Ahead Studio?

    openthebox has estimated that Miles Ahead Studio’s financial health score to be 7/10.