Situation normale

DL-Technics BV

8500 Kortrijk
Since 28/09/2022
Financial Health Indicator
Gross Operating Margin

DL-Technics BV’s business network visualized

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Spiderweb DL-Technics BV
DL-Technics BV
  • Laurens DE LANGE
    8500 Kortrijk
    Since 2022

Frequently asked questions about DL-Technics BV

  • Where is DL-Technics BV located?

    DL-Technics BV’s headquarters is located in Sint-Elooisdreef 48 , 8500 Kortrijk.
  • Who are the directors of DL-Technics BV?

    DL-Technics BV’s directors include
    • Laurens DE LANGE
  • When was DL-Technics BV founded?

    DL-Technics BV was founded in 2022-09-28. DL-Technics BV has been active for 2 years.
  • What are DL-Technics BV’s NACEBEL codes?

    DL-Technics BV’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43211 Travaux d'installation électrotechnique de bâtiment (2008)
    • 33140 Réparation d'équipements électriques (2008)
    • 43222 Installation de chauffage, de ventilation et de conditionnement d'air (2008)
    • 43299 Autres travaux d'installation n.c.a. (2008)
    • 46130 Intermédiaires du commerce en bois et matériaux de construction (2008)
    • 46731 Commerce de gros de matériaux de construction, assortiment général (2008)
  • What is DL-Technics BV’s VAT number?

    DL-Technics BV’s VAT number is BE0791536529.
  • What is DL-Technics BV’s juridical form?

    DL-Technics BV’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).
  • How is the financial situation of DL-Technics BV?

    openthebox has estimated that DL-Technics BV’s financial health score to be 8/10.