Situation normale

Aurinko Zeebrugge

3600 Genk
Since 24/11/2022
Gross Operating Margin

Detailed insights into Aurinko Zeebrugge’s financial history

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Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
Gross Operating Margin

Frequently asked questions about Aurinko Zeebrugge

  • Where is Aurinko Zeebrugge located?

    Aurinko Zeebrugge’s headquarters is located in Thor Park 8300 , 3600 Genk.
  • When was Aurinko Zeebrugge founded?

    Aurinko Zeebrugge was founded in 2022-11-24. Aurinko Zeebrugge has been active for 2 years.
  • What are Aurinko Zeebrugge’s NACEBEL codes?

    Aurinko Zeebrugge’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 35110 Production d'électricité (2008)
    • 35120 Transport d'électricité (2008)
    • 35140 Commerce d'électricité (2008)
    • 64200 Activités des sociétés holding (2008)
    • 82990 Autres activités de soutien aux entreprises n.c.a. (2008)
  • What is Aurinko Zeebrugge’s VAT number?

    Aurinko Zeebrugge’s VAT number is BE0793926687.
  • What is Aurinko Zeebrugge’s juridical form?

    Aurinko Zeebrugge’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).