Ouverture de faillite


6600 Bastogne
Since 05/12/2022

PW EXPRESS’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate PW EXPRESS’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb PW EXPRESS
  • Cécile Debatty
  • Adriano Terranova

Frequently asked questions about PW EXPRESS

  • Where is PW EXPRESS located?

    PW EXPRESS’s headquarters is located in Rue de la Chapelle 8 2, 6600 Bastogne.
  • Who are the directors of PW EXPRESS?

    PW EXPRESS’s directors include
    • Cécile Debatty
    • Adriano Terranova
  • When was PW EXPRESS founded?

    PW EXPRESS was founded in 2022-12-05. PW EXPRESS has been active for 2 years.
  • What are PW EXPRESS’s NACEBEL codes?

    PW EXPRESS’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 49410 Transports routiers de fret, sauf services de déménagement (2008)
    • 52210 Services auxiliaires des transports terrestres (2008)
    • 53100 Activités de poste dans le cadre d'une obligation de service universel (2008)
    • 82990 Autres activités de soutien aux entreprises n.c.a. (2008)
  • What is PW EXPRESS’s VAT number?

    PW EXPRESS’s VAT number is BE0794411192.
  • What is PW EXPRESS’s juridical form?

    PW EXPRESS’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).