Situation normale


7034 Mons
Since 27/01/2023

Frequently asked questions about V & S EVENTS

  • What is the email adress of V & S EVENTS?

    You can contact V & S EVENTS at the email address
  • Where is V & S EVENTS located?

    V & S EVENTS’s headquarters is located in Rue du Portugal 27 , 7034 Mons.
  • When was V & S EVENTS founded?

    V & S EVENTS was founded in 2023-01-27. V & S EVENTS has been active for 2 years.
  • What are V & S EVENTS’s NACEBEL codes?

    V & S EVENTS’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 50100 Transports maritimes et côtiers de passagers (2008)
    • 33150 Réparation et maintenance navale (2008)
    • 47640 Commerce de détail d'articles de sport en magasin spécialisé (2008)
    • 77340 Location et location-bail de matériels de transport par eau (2008)
  • What is V & S EVENTS’s VAT number?

    V & S EVENTS’s VAT number is BE0797689693.
  • What is V & S EVENTS’s juridical form?

    V & S EVENTS’s juridical type is Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (SASPJ).