Situation normale


2610 Antwerpen
Since 14/07/2023
Financial Health Indicator
Gross Operating Margin

ClimateStoven’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate ClimateStoven’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb ClimateStoven
  • Michel LOOTS
    2610 Wilrijk
    Since 2023

Detailed insights into ClimateStoven’s financial history

See financial trends including, equity, operating income, profit/loss and employees of ClimateStoven. Compare KPI’s against similar companies. Explore financial ratios, annual accounts and much more.

Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
Gross Operating Margin

Frequently asked questions about ClimateStoven

  • Where is ClimateStoven located?

    ClimateStoven’s headquarters is located in Oosterveldlaan 196 , 2610 Antwerpen.
  • Who are the directors of ClimateStoven?

    ClimateStoven’s directors include
    • Michel LOOTS
  • When was ClimateStoven founded?

    ClimateStoven was founded in 2023-07-14. ClimateStoven has been active for 2 years.
  • What are ClimateStoven’s NACEBEL codes?

    ClimateStoven’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 28210 Fabrication de fours et de brûleurs (2008)
    • 46180 Intermédiaires spécialisés dans le commerce d'autres produits spécifiques (2008)
    • 47540 Commerce de détail d'appareils électroménagers en magasin spécialisé (2008)
    • 62090 Autres activités informatiques (2008)
    • 63990 Autres services d'information n.c.a. (2008)
    • 72190 Recherche-développement en autres sciences physiques et naturelles (2008)
  • What is ClimateStoven’s VAT number?

    ClimateStoven’s VAT number is BE0803996673.
  • What is ClimateStoven’s juridical form?

    ClimateStoven’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).
  • How is the financial situation of ClimateStoven?

    openthebox has estimated that ClimateStoven’s financial health score to be 6/10.