Situation normale

Royal Cercle Theux Natation

4910 Theux
Since 02/11/2008

Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Royal Cercle Theux Natation
Royal Cercle Theux Natation
  • Gaëlle Janmart
    4910 Theux
  • Jean-Marc Gilkin
    4623 Magnée
  • Joël Baum
  • Danielle Dosquet
    4910 Theux

Frequently asked questions about Royal Cercle Theux Natation

  • Where is Royal Cercle Theux Natation located?

    Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s headquarters is located in Rue de la Résistance 18 , 4910 Theux.
  • Who are the directors of Royal Cercle Theux Natation?

    Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s directors include
    • Gaëlle Janmart
    • Jean-Marc Gilkin
    • Joël Baum
    • Danielle Dosquet
  • When was Royal Cercle Theux Natation founded?

    Royal Cercle Theux Natation was founded in 2008-11-02. Royal Cercle Theux Natation has been active for 16 years.
  • What is Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s VAT number?

    Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s VAT number is BE0807967339.
  • What is Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s juridical form?

    Royal Cercle Theux Natation’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).