Situation normale

k-invest projekt management

4731 Raeren
Since 28/04/2010
Financial Health Indicator
+124% YoY
Gross Operating Margin
-90% YoY
-79% YoY
-159% YoY

k-invest projekt management’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate k-invest projekt management’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb k-invest projekt management
k-invest projekt management
  • Bernd KÜCHEN
    4711 Walhorn
    Since 2021
  • Achim Rudolf GIER
    6120 Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes
    Since 2022

Detailed insights into k-invest projekt management’s financial history

See financial trends including, equity, operating income, profit/loss and employees of k-invest projekt management. Compare KPI’s against similar companies. Explore financial ratios, annual accounts and much more.

Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
2023 2022 2022 2021 2020
Gross Operating Margin

Frequently asked questions about k-invest projekt management

  • Where is k-invest projekt management located?

    k-invest projekt management’s headquarters is located in Aachener Strasse 53 , 4731 Raeren.
  • Who are the directors of k-invest projekt management?

    k-invest projekt management’s directors include
    • Bernd KÜCHEN
    • Achim Rudolf GIER
  • When was k-invest projekt management founded?

    k-invest projekt management was founded in 2010-04-28. k-invest projekt management has been active for 15 years.
  • What are k-invest projekt management’s NACEBEL codes?

    k-invest projekt management’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43211 Travaux d'installation électrotechnique de bâtiment (2008)
    • 41201 Construction générale de bâtiments résidentiels (2008)
    • 43120 Travaux de préparation des sites (2008)
    • 43212 Travaux d'installation électrotechnique autres que de bâtiment (2008)
    • 43291 Travaux d'isolation (2008)
    • 43994 Travaux de maçonnerie et de rejointoiement (2008)
    • 43999 Autres activités de construction spécialisées (2008)
    • 68203 Location et exploitation de biens immobiliers non résidentiels propres ou loués, sauf terrains (2008)
    • 68204 Location et exploitation de terrains (2008)
    • 68312 Estimation et évaluation de biens immobiliers pour compte de tiers (2008)
  • What is k-invest projekt management’s VAT number?

    k-invest projekt management’s VAT number is BE0825534138.
  • What is k-invest projekt management’s juridical form?

    k-invest projekt management’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).
  • How is the financial situation of k-invest projekt management?

    openthebox has estimated that k-invest projekt management’s financial health score to be 8/10.