Situation normale

Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën

9160 Lokeren
Since 06/03/2012

Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën
Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën
  • Jean-Paul Broekaert
    9160 Lokeren
  • Katy HERMAN
    9050 Gent
  • Jackie Barnes
    9160 Lokeren
  • Filip De Groote
    9180 Moerbeke-Waas
  • Henri Bruyneel
    9270 Laarne

Frequently asked questions about Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën

  • What is Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s official website?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën?

    You can contact Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën at the email address
  • Where is Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën located?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s headquarters is located in Weehaagstraat 13 , 9160 Lokeren.
  • What are the primary activities of Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s primary activities include: véhicules anciens, site web.
  • Who are the directors of Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s directors include
    • Jean-Paul Broekaert
    • Katy HERMAN
    • Jackie Barnes
    • Filip De Groote
    • Henri Bruyneel
  • When was Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën founded?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën was founded in 2012-03-06. Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën has been active for 13 years.
  • What is Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s VAT number?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s VAT number is BE0844181003.
  • What is Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s juridical form?

    Oldtimerclub Oude Gloriën’s juridical type is Association sans but lucratif (ASBL).