Situation normale

Groepspraktijk Veldonk

3120 Tremelo
Since 24/07/2012

Frequently asked questions about Groepspraktijk Veldonk

  • What is Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s official website?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Groepspraktijk Veldonk?

    You can contact Groepspraktijk Veldonk at the email address
  • Where is Groepspraktijk Veldonk located?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s headquarters is located in Veldonkstraat 17 001, 3120 Tremelo.
  • What are the primary activities of Groepspraktijk Veldonk?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s primary activities include: services médicaux, endroits.
  • When was Groepspraktijk Veldonk founded?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk was founded in 2012-07-24. Groepspraktijk Veldonk has been active for 13 years.
  • What are Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s NACEBEL codes?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 86210 Activités de médecine générale (2025)
    • 86210 Activités des médecins généralistes (2008)
    • 66290 Autres activités auxiliaires d'assurance et de caisses de retraite (2008)
    • 82990 Autres activités de soutien aux entreprises n.c.a. (2008)
  • What is Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s VAT number?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s VAT number is BE0847746247.
  • What is Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s juridical form?

    Groepspraktijk Veldonk’s juridical type is Société ou association sans personnalité juridique (SASPJ).