Situation normale


1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
Since 02/10/2012

Dbouchage-Expert’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Dbouchage-Expert’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Dbouchage-Expert
  • Didier VOISIN
    1070 Anderlecht
  • Kushtrim Selmani
    1831 Diegem

Frequently asked questions about Dbouchage-Expert

  • What is Dbouchage-Expert’s official website?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s official website is
  • Where is Dbouchage-Expert located?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s headquarters is located in Rue du Korenbeek 161 , 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean.
  • What are the primary activities of Dbouchage-Expert?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s primary activities include: débouchage, réparations d'urgence.
  • Who are the directors of Dbouchage-Expert?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s directors include
    • Didier VOISIN
    • Kushtrim Selmani
  • When was Dbouchage-Expert founded?

    Dbouchage-Expert was founded in 2012-10-02. Dbouchage-Expert has been active for 12 years.
  • What are Dbouchage-Expert’s NACEBEL codes?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 81290 Autres activités de nettoyage (2008)
    • 37000 Collecte et traitement des eaux usées (2008)
    • 42212 Construction de réseaux d'évacuation des eaux usées (2008)
  • What is Dbouchage-Expert’s VAT number?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s VAT number is BE0849210056.
  • What is Dbouchage-Expert’s juridical form?

    Dbouchage-Expert’s juridical type is Société à responsabilité limitée (SRL).