Situation normale


51061 KOLN
Since 13/07/2005

Frequently asked questions about NKT GMBH & CO KG

  • What is NKT GMBH & CO KG’s official website?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of NKT GMBH & CO KG?

    You can contact NKT GMBH & CO KG at the email address
  • Where is NKT GMBH & CO KG located?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s headquarters is located in DUSSELDORFER STRASSE 400 , 51061 KOLN.
  • What are the primary activities of NKT GMBH & CO KG?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s primary activities include: conditions d'utilisation.
  • When was NKT GMBH & CO KG founded?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG was founded in 2005-07-13. NKT GMBH & CO KG has been active for 20 years.
  • What are NKT GMBH & CO KG’s NACEBEL codes?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 42220 Construction de réseaux électriques et de télécommunications (2008)
    • 51871 Commerce de gros de matériel électrique y compris le matériel d'installation (2003)
  • What is NKT GMBH & CO KG’s VAT number?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s VAT number is BE0875050658.
  • What is NKT GMBH & CO KG’s juridical form?

    NKT GMBH & CO KG’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).