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Wine in a Bottle
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Wine in a Bottle
Laurence Vancauwenberghe8550 Zwevegem
Yves Vandewal8550 Zwevegem
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Frequently asked questions about Wine in a Bottle
What is Wine in a Bottle’s official website?
Wine in a Bottle’s official website is -
What is the email adress of Wine in a Bottle?
You can contact Wine in a Bottle at the email address -
Where is Wine in a Bottle located?
Wine in a Bottle’s headquarters is located in Deerlijkstraat 161 , 8550 Zwevegem. -
Who are the directors of Wine in a Bottle?
Wine in a Bottle’s directors include- Laurence Vancauwenberghe
- Yves Vandewal
When was Wine in a Bottle founded?
Wine in a Bottle was founded in 2005-10-03. Wine in a Bottle has been active for 19 years. -
What are Wine in a Bottle’s NACEBEL codes?
Wine in a Bottle’s NACEBEL codes are- 51170 Intermédiaires du commerce en denrées alimentaires, en boissons et en tabac (2003)
- 46170 Intermédiaires du commerce en denrées, boissons et tabac (2008)
- 51180 Autres intermédiaires spécialisés du commerce (2003)
- 52630 Autres commerces de détail hors magasins (2003)
- 46180 Intermédiaires spécialisés dans le commerce d'autres produits spécifiques (2008)
- 47990 Autres commerces de détail hors magasin, éventaires ou marchés (2008)
What is Wine in a Bottle’s VAT number?
Wine in a Bottle’s VAT number is BE0876403215. -
What is Wine in a Bottle’s juridical form?
Wine in a Bottle’s juridical type is Société en nom collectif (SNC).