Situation normale

Attijariwafa Bank Europe

75009 Paris
Since 16/10/2006

Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s business network visualized

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Spiderweb Attijariwafa Bank Europe
Attijariwafa Bank Europe
  • Otmane TAZMI
  • Driss EL OUARDI

Frequently asked questions about Attijariwafa Bank Europe

  • Where is Attijariwafa Bank Europe located?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s headquarters is located in RUE CHAUCHAT 6 , 75009 Paris.
  • Who are the directors of Attijariwafa Bank Europe?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s directors include
    • Otmane TAZMI
    • Driss EL OUARDI
  • When was Attijariwafa Bank Europe founded?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe was founded in 2006-10-16. Attijariwafa Bank Europe has been active for 18 years.
  • What are Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s NACEBEL codes?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 64190 Autre intermédiation monétaire (2025)
    • 65120 Autres intermédiations monétaires (2003)
    • 65110 Banques centrales (2003)
    • 64190 Autres intermédiations monétaires (2008)
    • 64110 Activités de banque centrale (2008)
    • 65221 Crédit à la consommation (2003)
    • 64921 Octroi de crédit à la consommation (2008)
  • What is Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s VAT number?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s VAT number is BE0884276150.
  • What is Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s juridical form?

    Attijariwafa Bank Europe’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).